Thursday 13 September 2012

A Little Reminder.....

Morning everyone, I'm just dropping by to let you all know we have a new challenge over at Crafty Ribbons Challenge, our theme this time is.......


This challenge will run from 12th Sept until 27th Sept

The prize for the winner will be.....

vintage rose ribbon

A selection of Vintage rose ribbons

We would love for you all to join in with us so please pop over to the challenge blog HERE.......

Below are all the cards that some of the Design Team have made for the challenge and your Inspiration...


Unknown said...

wow psweetie what a collection of little stunners been a bad blogger this week i havent been at all spent time at work then bed...couldnt get my lappy to connect...anyhows fabulous fabulous cards hugs sassyxxx

Sandra H said...

Fabulous cards x